We allow content classified as (NSFW) as long as it does not violate the law. You must be 18+ to participate in viewing or uploading.
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At PromptLib, we firmly believe in freedom of expression, which is why we have created a space for AI artists to share NSFW AI artwork in a safe and supportive community.
We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these rules and/or any applicable laws. All users are expected to adhere to these rules and any failure to do so may result in the suspension or termination of their account.
We ask that all users adhere to the following guidelines in order to keep our community safe:
When selecting the tag for your NSFW AI images, you must select the NSFW tag otherwise your images will not be approved.
The posting of any images depicting bestiality is strictly prohibited. Any submissions containing such images will not be approved and the user may be issued a warning or banned from the site.
This is a platform for sharing AI generated content. Do not share real images or images depicting real people on Promptlib
Sharing NSFW content depicting real people whether in real images OR AI-generated images such as friends, celebrities, actors, athletes, politicians, or other public figures may be considered sharing non-consensual intimate media and we do not allow this on our platform. That goes for your prompt as well.
Promptlib strictly prohibits the creation and/or posting of explicit child content on the NSFW page. All content posted on the NSFW page must be approved by our moderators before being shared. If we become aware of any user attempting to upload illegal underage content, we will immediately issue a permanent ban on the user and report that user to the relevant authorities.
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